Friday, May 19, 2017

3 Questions You Need Ask Yourself Before Considering Adoption

Adoption is a tough decision to make. However, no matter the challenges associated, adoption is an amazing to build a family. Parenting comes with a lot of responsibilities and happiness. When this parenting comes via adoption, it I still no different apart from the emotional turbulence which will always exist.

However, choosing to adopt is being strong enough to face that emotional turbulence. If you are considering adoption, here are 3 questions you need ask yourself before taking a final plunge.

1)    Why do I want to adopt?
This is of principal importance. If you are considering adopting a child, you need have a clear answer to this question. If you are adopting because you pity an orphaned kid, you should drop your decision right now. Pity leads to negativity in your relationship with the kid. If you think that without your help, the kid is damned, you are stripping the kid of his/her integrity. Learn to respect the child you are adopting and be a complete parent. Communicate this to your child how your life has taken a beautiful turn with the coming of a new soul.
2)    How will adopting a child impact the people in my family?
There are various factors you need to consider here. Many times, your parents wouldn’t be happy with your decision of adoption. Their disappointment might have many reasons ranging from religious to stereotypical ones.  A Christian adoption agency for a Christian family or a Muslim agency for a Muslim family might be a possible solution to your problem if it is religion based. However, if it is something rooted to stereotypes, you need to talk. Consent is important. Not just your parents, the point of concern can be your spouse, kids, or others. Communicate your will and explain yourself to your family before taking a final decision.
3)    Is my home environment stable and emotionally able to support the child?
For a kid to thrive in life, it is important that your home environment is stable and supporting. A home full of disturbances is not healthy for a child.  Also, the agency you sign up with will do a thorough check up of your home conditions. In order to qualify, your family situation needs to be supportive for the child.
Before you decide to adopt, you need to be very convinced that you will be able to stick to it life time. You cannot opt out of it ever. So be mindful and take an informed decision.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Are You Choosing The Right Adoption Agency?

When it comes to find the suitable adopted child, agencies plays a major role. In fact, they can be said game changers. A good agency not only brings together the adoptive parents and birth parents but also guides them through every step.

If you have ever searched online, you must have bumped into hundreds or even thousands of agencies. All of them make the same promise – a successful adoption and a complete & happy family. However, how would you know which one is right for you? And which agency should you consider – an international agency, a state agency or a Christian adoption agency. All these questions may baffle you.


Here we tell you.

What to consider?

The adoptive parents should take account the following factors while searching the right adoption agency:
  • Fees
  • Duration for waiting
  • Success rates
  • Clientele list
  • Service range
  • Geographical reach
  • Counselling
Birth parents should consider the following things:
  • Level of accessibility to child and adoptive parents
  • Number of waiting parents
  • Professional and experienced workers
  • Geographical reach
  • Pre and post placement counseling

The right agency

Different agencies have different meaning for open adoption. So make sure does it mean the same you are considering. What is the approach of the agency? Do their actions match their words? Always look for those agencies that place child’s interest in first place rather than parents.

Comfort level

Adoption is a long as well as multiple step process and throughout it, you will be working closely with adoption professionals. Therefore, it is necessary that you are comfortable with them. There should be not extra pressure or pushy elements between both of you.


Adoption process is complicated, and you will have endless questions to ask. How easy is to get answers? When you contact agency, how satisfying their answers are? What are their working hours? Is anyone available around the clock? Make sure that you can reach them anytime you want and they can attend to your queries in polite manner.
Apart from the above-mentioned factors, make sure that the adoption workers are experienced. Also, enquire about their credentials. They should be efficient enough so that you can develop trust with them as it is a required thing in entire adoption process. Only contact an established agency.

Monday, January 9, 2017

How To Go about Special needs Adoption?

Adopting a child of your choice can be a difficult task at times, as one needs to go through a lot of legalities. There are many legal facets to adoption that differ from state to state, court to court, nation to nation and case to case. You will require an adoption attorney for comprehensive advice on the appropriate steps to take for your circumstances.

Educate Yourself about Adoption

Talk to adoptive parents read relevant books and articles and get in touch with local and national organizations that can offer you with information about adoption. Familiarize yourself with standard adoption terms, and learn about applicable laws in your state to make certain that you are following statutory guidelines as you pursue your adoption.

Contact an Adoption Attorney

Adoption is a complicated legal procedure. An attorney versed in adoption can give you assistance specific to your state of affairs. There are several places that you could look to find an adoption attorney. The local yellow pages under adoption attorneys, the local court system, the local or state bar association, the AAA (Association of Adoption Attorneys), and from time to time local adoption organizations or agencies would have listings on the internet as well as offline.

Consider the Kind of Child You Can Best Parent

Open your mind to the different kids available for adoption. You will have to consider age, race, number, ethnic background; special needs matters, and sex. Each of these potentials opens new doors for you. The kind of child you take will affect your waiting time.

Decide What Sort of Adoption Is Right for You

There are several types of adoption, each with its difficulties, wait times and benefits. No matter which option you choose, beginning with an attorney is always the best choice.

Types of Adoption Agencies

Public Social Service Agency Adoption

Public agency adoption includes any child in public foster care, those reluctantly terminated from their parents, most of the children with special needs (Special Needs Adoption), abuse issues, medical needs, sibling groups, age, etc. or any child in the custody of the state or county. Charges are usually none or minimal.

Private Agency Adoption

Private agency adoption provides more flexibility, younger children, and babies. Private agency adoption dues also start at the reasonable price. Intercountry, also called far-off or international, adoption is also of this type.
To keep the course moving, stay in close contact with your agency and offer assistance in the search process by reviewing photo listings, attending matching get-togethers, or updating your parent profile.